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Puja Offering
SKU Pam-311-008
In stock: 1 available
Puja Offering
Product Details
Rishika R. Devi - RDeviArts -
Paint on Paper
Puja-offering (9) Painted in the literati xie yi style ,*with paint (instead of ink per se), this small piece suggests a an offering to the Deity. Is it a flower, you say, or indeed a bowl of rice, or perhaps a pile of jasmine- petals or -if we may , are these ‘impetuous brush-marks’ just pushed down on the paper like agitated gestures to wake someone from a dream… ? And yes- xie yi, which describes the spirit of the thing, not its description per se, is our modality. Hence, as such, here the bowl, the offering and the bower collectively are merely touched upon in order to invite you into the Salon-Ananda where bliss is de rigueur of the aesthetic connoisseur. Welcome, dear ones……! *Suggesting spontaneous marks and gestures and creating suggested images which merely denote , not idealize objects perse.. 12.9"x15.5"x1" |
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